Keep Your Trees Looking Neat and Tidy

Arrange for tree trimming services in Maple City, MI

Are your trees starting to look overgrown? If so, you need to call Straight Up Tree Service to set up tree pruning services. We'll clean up your overgrown trees to make your yard look presentable again.

Call 231-334-0169 today to get an estimate on tree trimming services in the Maple City, MI area. We offer fast response times so you won't have to wait long to find out how much our work will cost.

When should you trim your trees?

Straight Up Tree Service has over 15 years of experience providing tree trimming services in Maple City, MI and surrounding areas. During this time, we've learned the best times for our clients to have their trees trimmed.

We recommend reaching out if your tree branches are...

Blocking the view from your windows
Hanging too low to the ground
Growing too close to your home
Dead and diseased
Infested with pests

You can count on us to prevent tree problems from threatening your property. Connect with us right away to get tree trimming or tree pruning services.